Fluorescence spectroscopy and its applications: A Review


  • Aswathy Bose Nazareth college of pharmacy kerala university of health and science
  • Irene Thomas Nazareth College of Pharmacy, Othera p.o, Thiruvalla
  • Kavitha G Nazareth college of pharmacy kerala university of health and science
  • Elessy Abraham Nazareth college of pharmacy kerala university of health and science




Fluorimetry, DNA sequencing


Fluorescence spectroscopy is a rapid, sensitive method for characterizing molecular environments and events samples. Fluorimetry is chosen for its extraordinary sensitivity, high specificity, simplicity and low cost as compared to other analytical techniques. It is widely accepted and powerful technique that is used for a variety of environmental, industrial, medical diagnostics, DNA sequencing, forensics, genetic analysis and biotechnology applications. It is a valuable analytical tool for both quantitative and qualitative analysis. This article presents a brief overview of the theory of fluorescence spectroscopy, together with examples of applications of this technique in organic and inorganic chemistry, medical diagnosis, medical science etc.


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Author Biography

  • Aswathy Bose, Nazareth college of pharmacy kerala university of health and science

    M .PHARM 




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Review Article

How to Cite

Fluorescence spectroscopy and its applications: A Review. Int J of Adv in Phar Ana [Internet]. 2018 May 13 [cited 2024 Sep. 8];8(1):01-8. Available from: https://ssjournals.co.in/index.php/ijapa/article/view/4578

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