A Prophylactic role of soya oil against radiations damage on reproductive performance of male Albino rat


  • Dr. B.M. Singh Pdt. Deen Dayal Shekhawati University, Sikar


Soya oil, Reproductive performance, Prophylaxis, Radiation damage, Albino rat, testicular histology


Soyabeen (Glycine max) oil is widely consumed as edible food in many countries of the world. Its versatility allows them to be incorporated into dietary substances. The radioprotective efficacy of soya oil against gamma irradiation was studied in Swiss albino rats.  Rats were administered soya oil orally once a day for 15 consecutive days then exposed to the dose of 5 Gy of gamma radiations. The gamma radiations induced DNA strands break in spermatogonia, depleted in seminiferous tubules as well as other abnormalities in sperm motility, sperm count, sperm viability, and longevity, total antioxidant capacity (TAC), LH, FSH and testosterone hormones in testis. These abnormalities were markedly prevented by soya oil pretreatment. Soya oil pretreatment inhibited apoptotic signaling proteins, improving germinal epithelium deterioration believed to be injured by gamma irradiations. This produced a dose reduction factor for soya oil. The protective role of soya oil against gamma radiations may be attributed due to its constituent, the isoflavone. Isoflavone plays a significant role in scavenging of free radicals. The study highlights the gonado-protective role of soya oil against radiation induced degenerative changes in testes of swiss albino rat. 


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How to Cite

A Prophylactic role of soya oil against radiations damage on reproductive performance of male Albino rat. Int Jour of Biomed Res [Internet]. 2021 May 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];12(5):e5595. Available from: https://ssjournals.co.in/index.php/ijbr/article/view/5595