Editorial Team
Editor in Chief
Dr. Chintamani N. Joshi, Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-4466., URL: http://vetmed.tamu.edu/vtpp E-mail: editor_ijbr@ssjournals.com |
Associate Editor
Dr. Marthandan Mahalingam, The Catholic University of America, Washington DC, USA., United States Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=yuychQYAAAAJ&hl=en E-mail: mahalingam[at]cua.edu |
Advisary Board/Reviewer
Dr. N. S. Neki, Professor of Medicine, Govt.Medical College, Amritsar (India) Visiting Professor, James Cook University Hospital, UK & School of medicine, health&pharmacy, DURHAM, UK Visiting Professor, University of Mannitoba, Institute of cardiovascular sciences, St. Boniface Hospital Research Centre, WINNIPEG, CANADA Fellow Endocrinology, P.G.I., Chandigarh, India Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=2PHiVHUAAAAJ&hl=enE-mail:drneki123[at]gmail.com |
Dr. Vijaya Kumar Singamsetty, Sr. Technology & Director, Business Development. SVK Healthcare & Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, India. (A Healthcare / Life Sciences Consulting firm serving several Biotech/Life Sciences companies, Research labs and Hospitals in India)., India Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=wt0c9HwAAAAJ&hl=en E-mail: vijjusingam[at]yahoo.com |
Dr. Arya Sobhakumari, 900 S. Ashland Ave, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago-60607, United States E-mail: aryasobha[at]gmail.com |
Dr. Brijendra Singh, AIIMS, All India Institute of Medical Science, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=wt0c9HwAAAAJ&hl=en E-mail: drbrijendrasingh[at]gmail.com |
Dr. Sriram Chandramohan, Department of Public Health College of Health Sciences Saudi Electronic University Abha- Alguriger District, Saudi Arabia Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=fHiYCdYAAAAJ&hl=en E-mail: drsrirammd[at]gmail.com |
Dr. Dushyant Agrawal, Department of Anatomy All India Institute of Medical Sciences Jodhpur-342 005 (Rajasthan), India Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=Ww883xQAAAAJ&hl=en E-mail: dushyantanatomyeat]gmail.com |
Prof. Balasubramanian Sathyamurthy, Department of Biochemistry, REVA Institute of Science and Management, Bangalore, India Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=vX-6HocAAAAJ&hl=en E-mail: balasreva[at]gmail.com |
Dr. Manoj P. Dandekar, Postdoctoral Research Fellow McGovern Medical School, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine 1941 East Road | BBSB 5110A | Houston | Texas 77054, United States E-mail: md_manoj1[at]rediffmail.com |
Dr. Aparna Sarkar, Amity Institute of Physiotherapy, Amity University, Noida, Sector -125, Uttar Pradesh, India E-mail: asarkar@amity.edu |
Dr. Arun K. Mishra, School of Pharmaceutical Studies & Research IFTM University, Lodipur-Rajput Delhi Road, NH-24 Moradabad UP 244001, Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=wt0c9HwAAAAJ&hl=en E-mail: vijjusingam[at]yahoo.com |
Dr. Gokul Adhar Khairnar, Senior Research Fellow, University Institute of Chemical Technology, Dept.of Pharmaceutical Technology, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon (MS) India E-mail: gokulkhairnar[at]rediffmail.com |
Dr. Santoshkumar Ankushrao Dope, Department of Anatomy, Government Medical College and Hospital, Latur, India URL: http://www.gmclatur.org E-mail: drdopesantosh[at]yahoo.co.in |
Dr. Shreechakradhar Ukajirao Mungal, Dr. Shankarao Chavan Government Medical College, Nanded (Maharashtra), India URL: http://muhsnashik.academia.edu/ShreechakradharMungal/CurriculumVitae E-mail: shreechakradharmungal[at]rediff.com |
Dr. Raj Mohan Raja Muthiah, Harvard Medical School Massachusetts General Hospital Boston, Massachusetts., United States URL: https://molbio.mgh.harvard.edu/home E-mail:rrajamuthiah[at]molbio.mgh.harvard.edu |
Dr. Ali Ibrahim Ali Al-Ezzy, Department of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine- Diyala University, Iraq E-mail: aliibrahim_75[at]Yahoo.co.UK |
Dr. M. R. Jayapal, Institute of Aeronautical Engineering College Hyd, Affiliated to (JNTU-Hyderabad), India E-mail: mrjayapal007[at]gmail.com |
Dr. Anish Ramakrishnan Thachangattuthodi, Baylor College of Medicine, 1 Baylor Plaza, Houston, Texas, 77030, United States E-mail: dr.tranish[at]gmail.com |
Dr. Fazal Shirazi, M.D Anderson Cancer Center 1515 Holcombe Blvd Houston, TX-77054, United States URL: https://mdanderson.elsevierpure.com/en/persons/fazal-shirazi E-mail: FShirazi[at]mdanderson.org |
Dr. Aleksandra Nowicka, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 1515 Holcombe Blvd. Houston, TX 77030, United States E-mail: aknowicka[at]mdanderson.org |
Prof. Kasim Sakran Abass, Department of Basic Nursing Sciences, College of Nursing, University of Kirkuk, Kirkuk, Iraq E-mail: kasim.abass[at]usa.com |
Dr. Subha Ganguly, Scientist (Food Microbiology) & Pr.Investigator, Sub-Projects, AICRP On Post Harvest Technology (ICAR), Department of Fish Processing Technology, Faculty of Fishery Sciences, West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, 5, Budherhat Road, P.O. Panchasayar, Kolkata - 700 094, WB,, India E-mail: ganguly38[at]gmail.com |
Dr. Xin Duan, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Division of Experimental Hematology and Cancer BiologyCincinnati, United States Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=riIuQRgAAAAJ&hl=en E-mail: Xin.Duan[at]cchmc.org |
Dr. Ivvala Anand Shaker, Department of Clinical Biochemistry & Molecular biology International Medical School Management and Science University University Drive Off Persiaran Olahraga, Seksyen 13, 40100 Shah alam Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia E-mail: ianandshaker[at]rediffmail.com |
Dr. Pramod Singh Khatri, Senior Research Associate, Bioinnovat Research Services Pvt Ltd., India Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=3nKYjOcAAAAJ&hl=en E-mail: pramodsinghkhatri[at]gmail.com |
Dr. Anand Basayya Mugadlimath, Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, Ashwini Rural Medical College, Kumbhari, Solapur, Maharashtra., India URL: http://armch.org E-mail: dranandmdfm[at]gmail.com |
Dr. Arindham BasuSarkar, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences College of Pharmacy University of Findlay Findlay, OH 45840 URL: https://www.findlay.edu/pharmacy E-mail:basusarkar[at]findlay.edu |
Dr. Muktikesh Dash, M.B.B.S,M.D (Microbiology) Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, S.C.B Government Medical College and Hospital, Cuttack, Odisha,, India Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=BCD0itUAAAAJ&hl=en URL: http://www.scbmch.nic.in/ E-mail: mukti_mic[at]yahoo.co.in |
Dr. L. D. Patel, C.U. Shah College of Pharmacy & Research, Wadhwan-363030, India URL: www.ccprvbt.org E-mail: drldpatel[at]yahoo.com |
Dr. Dilipkumar Pal, Professor, Institute of Foreign Trade & Management (I.F.T.M), Lodhipur, Rajput, Delhi Road , Moradabad - 244 001, U.P., India URL: http://www.iftmuniversity.ac.in E-mail: drdilip2003[at]yahoo.co.in |
Dr. Khemraj Hirani, Clinical Research Pharmacist Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center 1475 NW 12th Aven, Suite 2306B, Miami, FL 33186, United States URL: http://hsro.med.miami.edu E-mail: khirani[at]med.miami.edu |
Dr. Kiran Kumar V. R. Avancha, Sr. Clinical Research Scientist - Office of Research University of Miami / Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center 1475 NW 12th Ave, Room # 2306B, Miami, FL 33186, United States E-mail: kkavancha[at]gmail.com |
Dr. Prakash MMS Kinthada, Department of Chemistry GIT, GITAM University Rushikonda, Vishakhapatnam,A.P, India E-mail: E-mail: pk6030882[at]gmail.com |
Dr. Atanu Bhattacharjee, Dept. of Pharmacy, Assam down town University, Panikhaiti-781026, Assam, India E-mail: atanu1983[at]gmail.com |
Dr. Zohair I.F. Rahemo, College of Science, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq E-mail: zohair_rahemo[at]yahoo.com |
Dr. Yu Shyr, Center for Quantitative Sciences Vanderbilt University School of Medicine,Nashville, United States URL: https://www.vumc.org/biostatistics/person/yu-shyr-phd-0 Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=G4W7OMwAAAAJ&hl=en E-mail: Yu.shyr[at]vanderbilt.edu |
Dr. China M. Kummitha, Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH 44106, United States E-mail: cmk145[at]case.edu |
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