Study of ECG changes in anaemia and correlation with respect to severity of anaemia


  • Renuka B. G. Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, JJMMC, Davangere
  • Samuel D Jebavaram Postgraduate, JJMMC, Bapuji Hospital, Davanagere



Anaemia, ECG Changes, Reversibility


Introduction: Anemia has a universal incidence and is very common in tropical countries. The most common cause of anemia is iron deficiency associated with hypochromic microcytic anemia. Chronic Anemia is associated with increased cardiac output when Hb is < 7g/dl. When Hb falls further (2-3gms/100ml) there will be circulatory congestion and angina pectoris may occur thus emphasizing the sensitivity of the myocardium to chronic hypoxia leading to various changes in the electrocardiographic recording.

Materials and methods: 100 patients  comprising of  both outpatient  and inpatients  attending JJMMC and its attached hospital from July 2017 to May 2018 were selected based on inclusion criteria which includes cases of anemia i.e. Hb < 8 gm% and those aged < 40% because to reduce changes of taking up coronary artery disease patients (both males and females).

Results: Out of 100 cases of severe anemia 52 cases showed ECG changes. 23 patients were having Hb < 6 gm % with 78% of whom had ECG Changes. Sinus tachycardia was the most common ECG change observed accounting to 41% and sinus bradycardia and biventricular hypertrophy were the least observed ECG finding among study population (1% each). In present study cases, only 13 patients had reversal of ECG changes after correction.

Conclusion: I) Severe anemia produces ECG changes, which mainly involve the rate, ST segment and T wave changes. II) The incidence of ECG changes seemed to be closely related to severity of anemia.


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How to Cite

Study of ECG changes in anaemia and correlation with respect to severity of anaemia. Int Jour of Biomed Res [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];10(11):e5197. Available from: