Pyrexia of Unknown Origin: Current Perspectives


  • Ekram Wassim Abdelwahab Tropical Health Department, High Institute of Public Health, Alexandria University



Pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO) is a grouping of many unrelated medical conditions that share the feature of persistent unexplained fever that does not resolve spontaneously within the period for self-limited infections and whose cause can not be ascertained despite adequate basic investigation and considerable diagnostic effort. PUOis a syndrome that has long tested the skills of physicians to achieve a diagnosis in affected patients.Patients included in this syndrome will be more difficult to diagnose as they have already resisted classification during baseline investigations. temporal and geographical distribution of PUO cases since 1950s through 2000s revealed shift in relative proportion of specific disease categories over decades. so far, there is no standardized approach for PUO diagnosis.evolving knowledge and the improvement in diagnostic methods, including new microbiological techniques and new instrumental procedures, necessitate a constant update of the tests included in a minimal diagnostic workup to qualify a fever as PUO.


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Pyrexia of Unknown Origin: Current Perspectives. Int Jour of Biomed Res [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];10(1):e4987. Available from: