Quality assessment of maternal and child health care services at Primary health care level in Kamrup District of Assam.


  • Alpana Priya Rabha Assam Medical College Dibrugarh




Animation, Biochemistry, MBBS


Background: According to WHO estimates, India contributes about 24 lakhs to 108 lakhs global child deaths and accounts for 25% of the 529,000 global maternal deaths (Reduction of maternal mortality: A joint WHO/ UNFPA/ World Bank Statement: Geneva; 1999). Objective: To assess the quality of maternal and child health care services at primary health care level. Materials and method: The study was conducted in 5 PHCs and 10 S/Cs randomly selected in Kamrup district of Assam. The data was collected from records, interviews of the health personnel and the clients availing the MCH services and lastly by observation method. Results: The quality of MCH services was assessed by using a system approach inputs, process and outputs. Conclusions: The quality of MCH services was found to be average at the primary care level.


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Author Biography

  • Alpana Priya Rabha, Assam Medical College Dibrugarh

    Assisitant Professor Department of Community Medicine

    Assam Medical College Dibrugarh Assam India


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Original Research Articles

How to Cite

Quality assessment of maternal and child health care services at Primary health care level in Kamrup District of Assam. Int Jour of Biomed Res [Internet]. 2017 Aug. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];8(8):479-83. Available from: https://ssjournals.co.in/index.php/ijbr/article/view/4349