Efficacy of Spinal Anaesthesia for Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair


  • P. G. Dhumane Department of Anesthesia, Government Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra
  • Taaeba Iffat Syed Naqeeb Mujtaba Department of Anesthesia, Government Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra




Aim and Objective: Aim of the present study was to evaluate efficacy of spinal anaesthesia in terms of onset, duration and quality of sensoryand motor blockade, hemodynamic stability and perioperative complications. Methods: The study enrolled 30 patients of either sex of ASA grade I and II posted for elective laparoscopic hernia repair. In all the patient spinal anaesthesia was performed using 3 ml 0.5% bupivacaine with 25 mcg fentanyl in L3-L4 inter space. After induction, we studied the various parameters of subarachnoid block. Result: Mean time required for onset of sensory and motor block was 2.46 0.43 (2-3) and 6.93 1.48 (59) minutes respectively. The mean time for reappearance of pain sensation at surgical site (duration of sensory block) was 294.00 62.24 minutes as well as mean time for reappearance of flexion at hip (duration of motor block) was 220.0 46.04 (100 300) minutes. Quality of analgesia and quality of motor block was grade 3 in 20 patients (66.67%) and grade 2 in 10 patients (33.33%). None of the patients had grade 0 and grade 1quality. Conclusion: Spinal anaesthesia with 0.5% bupivacaine (3 ml) and fentanyl (25 mcg) for elective laparoscopic ventral hernia repair was efficacious and has preserved ventilation and hemodynamic changes within physiological limits during pneumoperitoneum with minimal treatable side effects.


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How to Cite

Efficacy of Spinal Anaesthesia for Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair. Int Jour of Biomed Res [Internet]. 2016 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];7(4):201-6. Available from: https://ssjournals.co.in/index.php/ijbr/article/view/3228