Effect of metformin & myoinositol & life style modification in patients of polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD)


  • Jayshree Chidanand Awalekar Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University & Medical College,Sangli
  • Chidanand Awalekar Department of Medicine, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Medical college & Hospital, Sangli,
  • Vidya M. Jadhav Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Medical College & Hospital, Sangli
  • C. G. Chivate Department of Medicine, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Medical college & Hospital, Sangli,
  • M. H. Patwardhan Department of Endocrinology, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Medical College & Hospital, Sangli,




Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) is common endocrine disorder. Majority of young females are affected. Insulin resistance along with dysfunction of hypothalamopituitoryadrenal axis is a key etiological factor in development of all manifestations of PCOD. They present with irregular menses, infertility, obesity, Hirsutism, Acanthosis Nigricans etc. Metformin, Myoinositol and life style modification are widely accepted treatment modalities. Data suggests variable responses to these treatments. So we aimed to study efficacy of each treatment modality separately in PCOS. Here cases are diagnosed by using Rotterdams criteria. We recruited approx 30 cases for each group. BMI, Menstrual irregularity, infertility, Hirsutism, Acanthosis Nigricans, acne were common presenting features. Hormonal and biochemical profile was studied S.LH (Luteinizing Hormone), FSH (Follicle stimulating hormone), Serum. Prolactin levels, Serum Insulin levels. Weight loss, menstrual regularity, LH/FSH Ratio, HOMA Index were studied initially and compared all parameters after 3 months of treatment. In our study Metformin group (n=35), Myoinositol group(n=32) and for Life style modification(n=35).Our study Metformin group BMI reduced from mean 29.64 to 27.13 after 3 months Metformin treatment which is highly significant(p0.0000). LH/FSH ratio was mean 2.56,dropped to 1.70,(p0.000) after treatment, which is significant. Homa index values before treatment were mean 25.85, and after treatment it was 15.21(p0.000) highly significant. Hyperprolactinemia corrected from Mean 24.11 to16.92 to 6.27 (p0.004) found to be statistically significant. In Myoinositol group BMI was mean 26.71, after treatment it became25.6. In Life style modification group BMI before was mean 26.55 to 25.77(p). LH/FSH ratio was 2.mean and later 3 months it became 2.10,(p=001) initially, after 3 months it was-.HOMA index in this group was14.73after 3 months it was13.35. The present study gives us idea about efficacy of different modalities of treatment in PCOD cases and will be useful in patient treatment schedules.


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Author Biography

  • Jayshree Chidanand Awalekar, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University & Medical College,Sangli

    Professor,Depatment of Medicine,

    Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University & Medical College,Sangli 416416







Original Research Articles

How to Cite

Effect of metformin & myoinositol & life style modification in patients of polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD). Int Jour of Biomed Res [Internet]. 2015 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];6(9):698-704. Available from: https://ssjournals.co.in/index.php/ijbr/article/view/2519