Challenges of pandemic disease and mental health concern in Ethiopia: A systematic review of literature


  • Kumsa Donis Likisa Adama Science and Technology University Author


Behavioural response, COVID-19, Ethiopia, Mental health, Pandemic disease


Several studies have been carried out on the epidemiological nature, and economic, social, and psychological effects of pandemic diseases. However, little literature has been attempted to comprehensively indicate the psychological challenges of pandemic diseases and strategies utilized to overcome the challenges in the Ethiopian context. Thus, the objective of this comprehensive review of the literature was to assess and organize the literature on the challenges of pandemic diseases in general and COVID-19 in particular, develop guidelines and seek out alternative solutions that have implications for Ethiopia and beyond. The literature has been organized on the history, worldwide challenges of pandemics, Behavioural responses and coping mechanisms, and opportunities motivated by COVID-19. Some criteria were set to review the most relevant local and international studies that are rigorous in design, adequate sample size, relevant sample selection procedures, and those which have used instruments with high validity and reliability. The findings from the literature indicated that there is a high incidence of psychological difficulties (fear, stress, anxiety, and depression) associated with COVID-19 worldwide and in Ethiopia. The problem is attributed to economic, social, psychological, and health-related outcomes of COVID-19 that demand integrated prevention and intervention strategies.   


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Review Articles

How to Cite

Likisa KD. Challenges of pandemic disease and mental health concern in Ethiopia: A systematic review of literature. Int J of Adv in Sci Res [Internet]. 2020 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];6(6):e5438. Available from: