Liquisolid Compacts: A Review


  • Urvashi B. Patel Department of Pharmaceutics, Shree Naranjibhai Lalbhai Patel College of Pharmacy, Umrakh - 394 345, Gujarat
  • Dikshit C. Modi Assistant Professor, Shree Naranjibhai Lalbhai Patel College of Pharmacy, Umrakh - 394 345, Gujarat,
  • Dhiren P. Shah Principal, Shree Naranjibhai Lalbhai Patel College of Pharmacy, Umrakh - 394 345, Gujarat,



Cassia siamea, antihyperglycemia, Diabetes, kidney function


Solubility is a major problem for nearly one third drugs in their development phase. Liquisolid technique is a most promising technique for promoting dissolution by increase in solubility. Liquisolid compact technology is a novel concept for oral drug delivery. Liquisolid compact technology was first described by spireas (1998). According to the new formulation method of liqui-solid compacts, liquid medications such as solutions or suspensions of water insoluble drugs in suitable nonvolatile liquid vehicles can be converted into acceptably flowing and compressible powders by blending with selected powder excipients.


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Review Article

How to Cite

Liquisolid Compacts: A Review. Int J Adv Pharm [Internet]. 2017 Jul. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 8];6(7):110-3. Available from: