Formulation And Development Of Nanosuspension As An Alternative Approach For Solubility And Dissolution Enhancement Of Aceclofenac


  • Harshil M Patel Assistant Professor
  • Urvashi B. Patel Shree Dhanvantary Pharmacy College, Kim, Surat, Gujarat
  • Chainesh Shah T. John College of Pharmacy, Bannergatta Road, Bangalore-560083
  • Bhavesh Akbari Shree Dhanvantary Pharmacy College, Kim, Surat, Gujarat


Main objectives to develop Aceclofenac Nanosuspension are to enhance solubility and dissolution rate of poorly soluble Drug (aceclofenac), substantially leading to its bioavailability enhancement and Improvement of aqueous and saturation solubility in turn rapid release of Drug which leads to enhancing therapeutic efficacy. Aceclofenac Nanosuspension was prepared by quasi solvent evaporation method with help of different polymer and concentration. There was changes polymer ratio, volume of organic solvent and stirring speed. Aceclofenac nanosuspension gives immediate release. Aceclofenac nanosuspension were showing highest dissolution rate within 10 minutes comparison with marketed formulations. Aceclofenac Nanosuspension compacts may enhance aqueous solubility and dissolution rate in compare to other solubility enhancement technique hence, this research work may be useful to formulate Aceclofenac Nanosuspension which may give rapid onset of action by rapid absorption, maximize efficacy, dose frequency and hence increase patient Compliance.


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How to Cite

Formulation And Development Of Nanosuspension As An Alternative Approach For Solubility And Dissolution Enhancement Of Aceclofenac. Int J Adv Pharm [Internet]. 2018 May 31 [cited 2024 Sep. 8];7(5):33-47. Available from: