Recent Advancement in Emulgel: A Novel Approach for Topical Drug Delivery


  • Abhijeet Ojha DIT University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mussoorie Diversion Road, Dehradun
  • Mini Ojha Govt. Polytechnic, Pharmacy Department, Dwarahat, Almora
  • N.V. Satheesh Madhav DIT University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mussoorie Diversion Road, Dehradun



Gels are the preferable dosage forms for topical delivery of drugs in present days, but their use is not suitable for drugs with hydrophobic nature. In order to overcome the limitation of gels as a dosageform forhydrophobic drugs, an emulsion based approach is being used. When gels and emulsions are used in combined form the dosage form are referredas emulgel. The combination of hydrophilic cornified cells in hydrophobic intercellular material provides abarrier to both hydrophilic and hydrophobic substances. Polymer canfunction as emulsifiers and thickeners because the gelling capacity of these compounds allows the formulationof stable emulsions by decreasing surface as well as interfacial tension and increasing theviscosity of the aqueous phase. Various permeation enhancers can potentiate the effect, so emulgelscan be used as better topical drug delivery systems over the conventional systems. The use of emulgels can be used as formulationsystem for analgesics and antifungal drugs.


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How to Cite

Recent Advancement in Emulgel: A Novel Approach for Topical Drug Delivery. Int J Adv Pharm [Internet]. 2017 Jan. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 8];6(1):17-23. Available from:

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