Formulation and evaluation of ayurvedic face wash


  • Amit Ingle Bajiraoji Karanjekar College of Pharmacy, Sakoli, Maharashtra
  • Mayuri B. Meshram Bajiraoji Karanjekar College of Pharmacy, Sakoli, Maharashtra


Introduction: Acne vulgaris is an extremely common disorder of skin [pilocebaceous unit] that affects virtually all individuals at least once during life.
Material And Methods: Ayurvedic face wash was prepared from the extract of various ingredients such as Neem leaves, Turmeric rhizomes, Nutmeg seed, Liquorice root, Honey, Orange tincture, Lemon juice, Xanthan gum, Orange peel extract, Rose water, Propyl paraben, Methyl paraben, Sodium laury sulfate. The prepared face wash was evaluated for various Physical parameters such as Washability, Colour, pH, Viscosity, Spreadability and Irritancy test.
Result: The formulations were found homogenous, easily washable. The formulated face wash has slightly alkaline pH which is compatible with normal physiology.
Conclusion: the present investigation it was found that the formulated herbal face wash was found to be more efficient as compared to the marketed face wash. At this formulation contains all herbal ingredients its nighters produce any harmfull action on skin and are reliable.


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How to Cite

Formulation and evaluation of ayurvedic face wash. Int J of Phytopharm [Internet]. 2018 Jul. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];8(3):26-30. Available from: