The Effectiveness of Bandotan Herb (Ageratum Conyzoides L.) as Blood Uric Acid Levels Reduction in Mencit with Allopurinol Comparison




Aging, Antioxidant enzymes, Heart Muscle, Oxidative stress, Skeletal muscle, Tocotrienol Rich Fraction


Traditionally herb bandotan (Ageratum conyzoides L.) are used for various treatments among them for stiff healing, eliminate swelling, and pain. The pain and sciatica is likely to be due to the high levels of uric acid in the blood, then to scientifically proves the presence of a relationship of aches and pains with a decrease in uric acid in the blood necessary to test the effectiveness of herbal extracts bandotan to decrease blood uric acid levels male mice. Extraction is done by percolation using 80% ethanol. The study begins with phytochemical screening test performed on fresh herbs, botanicals and herbal extracts bandotan ethanol. Decreased levels of uric acid is measured by using a measuring device Easy Touch uric acid levels in the blood of male mice hyperuricemia induced by administration of potassium bromate 0.5 mg / kg. The data obtained were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANAVA) followed by analysis of Least Significant Difference Test (LSDT) using the least squares difference with a 99% confidence level. Phytochemical screening result looks the same class of chemical compounds in fresh herbs, botanicals and herbal extracts ethanol bandotan, namely alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, triterpenoids / steroids; and essential oils. The result of the effect of decreasing uric acid levels showed there has been a reduction in the dose of 50 mg / kg, but is still too small, and according to the results of statistical test Analysis of Varian (ANOVA) and test Least Significant Difference Test (LSDT) dose of 100 mg / kg body weight have an effect reduction in uric acid levels were not significantly different with allopurinol dose of 10 mg / kg.


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Author Biography

  • Cut - Fatimah, Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education
    Senior lecturer/researcher


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How to Cite

The Effectiveness of Bandotan Herb (Ageratum Conyzoides L.) as Blood Uric Acid Levels Reduction in Mencit with Allopurinol Comparison. Int J of Phytopharm [Internet]. 2017 Jun. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];7(3):23-9. Available from: