A literature review of the 10-year survival rate of dental implants


  • Ranu Acharya Griffith University
  • Ajay Sharma Griffith University
  • Lavanya Ajay Sharma School of MDP - Dentistry and Oral Health, Griffith University, Australia


Dental implants, survival, 10-Year, Literature review


Introduction-To identify and evaluate the most recent studies reporting dental implant survival using current implant systems for a period of 10 years. This updated knowledge will provide the clinician with a better estimation of the real-world risk of implant failures, thus helping the clinician communicate the potential risk to patients.


Aim-The research aims to address the variability around the clinical data available regarding the survival of dental implants in dental patients and if the survival rates mentioned in literature are replicable in actual clinical practice scenarios. This will help ensure quality control for the treatment and help clinicians provide more accurate patient implant survival information.


Method- MEDLINE, PUBMED and EMBASE were searched from 2010 to 2020 using modern dental implants.


Result- 22 studies met the inclusion criteria for the 10-year survival of the dental implant. These were essentially randomised controlled trials and prospective cohort studies.


Discussion- There is a lack of agreement around implant survival rates, mainly due to the previous studies on implant systems that are no longer in use, along with the absence of extended follow-up due to patient attrition. Previous studies showed exaggerated 10-year dental implant survival based on a limited number of studies. The studies with current implant systems show a more realistic 10-year implant survival rate. This is important for clinicians as they need reliable and updated information on implant survival rates when advising their patients on various treatment options. There is currently a gap in the knowledge leading to reliance on the data obtained on implant systems that are no longer in use or have been modified. Thus, the currently available implants need an update in the literature.


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How to Cite

A literature review of the 10-year survival rate of dental implants . (2022). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 13(10), e5787. https://ssjournals.co.in/index.php/ijbar/article/view/5787