About the Journal

Focus and Scope

International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research (IJBAR)(ISSN 2229- 3809) is an international monthly (12 issues/year) publishing peer-reviewed online & Print Open Access Journal in English. This Journal publishes Original Research Articles, Review Article, Short communications, Case reports, Letter to Editor that contributes significantly to further the scientific knowledge predominantly devoted to reporting original contributions from all areas of the basic sciences and biomedical researchers. Although published articles are motivated by their applications in the biomedical sciences (for example, clinical medicine, health care, population health, imaging, and bioinformatics), the journal emphasizes reports of new methodologies and techniques that have general applicability and that form the basis for the evolving science of biomedical research. Articles on Biomedical Sciences like Genomics, Proteomics, Applied Biotechnology, Antibody Engineering, Medical Genetics, Medical Transcription, and Cancer Biology. Review Articles rapidly without delay in the developing field of biomedical sciences. Our mission is to advance the science and practice of pharmaceutical medicine by working to develop and maintain competence, ethics and integrity and the highest professional standards in the specialty for the benefit of the public. The Faculty seeks, through its activities, to bring about an improvement in the health of the public.

Peer Review Process

All contributions submitted to journals that are selected for peer-review are sent to at least one, but usually two or more, independent reviewers, selected by the editors.

As a condition of agreeing to assess the manuscript, all reviewers undertake to keep submitted manuscripts and associated data confidential, and not to redistribute them without permission from the journal. If a reviewer seeks advice from colleagues while assessing a manuscript, he or she ensures that confidentiality is maintained and that the names of any such colleagues are provided to the journal with the final report. By this and by other means, journals endeavor to keep the content of all submissions confidential until the publication date other than in the specific case of its embargoed press release available to registered journalists. Although we go to every effort to ensure reviewers honor their promise to ensure confidentiality, we are not responsible for the conduct of reviewers.

Publication Frequency

Monthly (12 issues/year)

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


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