Chemical Compounds and Bioactivities of Vitex negundo Linn: A REVIEW

Rashed et al., 2021


  • Khaled Nabih Zaki Rashed National Research Centre (NRC),Pharmacognosy Department,Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research Division,Dokki, Giza, P.O. Box: 12622


Vitex negundo Linn, chemical compounds, bioactivities


Vitex negundo is large aromatic shrub. Phytochemical analysis showed the presence of volatile oil, triterpenes, diterpenes, sesquiterpenes, lignan, flavonoids, flavones, glycosides, iridoid glycosides and stilbene derivative. It is good for disease of the eye, consumption, inflammation, leucoderma, enlargement of the spleen, bronchitis, asthma, biliousness, painful teething of children. It is expectorant, carminative, digestive, anodyne, antiseptic, antipyretic, diuretic, depurative, rejuvenating, ophthalmic, vulnerary and tonic.


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How to Cite

Chemical Compounds and Bioactivities of Vitex negundo Linn: A REVIEW: Rashed et al., 2021. (2021). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 12(12), e5691.