Phytochemical Profile and Biological effects of Pyrus communis L.: A review


  • Khaled Nabih Zaki Rashed National Research Centre (NRC),Pharmacognosy Department,Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research Division,Dokki, Giza, P.O. Box: 12622


Pyrus communis, chemical compounds, plants, bioactivities


Pyrus communis (pear) belongs to family Rosaceae (rose) family. It is one of the oldest plant cultured by man. The trees can live for a long period. It contains many secondary compounds and phytochemicals which help to defend us from many diseases. Such secondary compounds are arbutin, quercetin, anthocyanin which help in many ways such as arbutin helps in skin whitening and eating fresh pear daily prevent from uterine cancer especially in women disease. It is also used in cosmetics. It is also helpful in recovering of wound healing. Pear is also rich in dietary supplements it contains vitamins, minerals, lipids, fatty acid and flavonoids.  It contains calcium which helps to maintain calcium level in our body which prevent us from ostoperosis. It has many properties like as diuretic, analgesic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, sedative,  antibacterial,  antidiabetic, hypoallergenic.  Pearwood is used to make furniture, musical instruments, and wood carvings. Pyrus communis is often prescribing for weaning babies because they are low in acid and aren’t too effective on a babies digestive system.


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Review Article

How to Cite

Phytochemical Profile and Biological effects of Pyrus communis L.: A review. (2021). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 12(9), e5649.