“History repeat itself” – Prospects of auxiliary waves of SARS-CoV and its influence on co-morbidities


  • Vijendra B. Fulzele School of Pharmacy, G H Raisoni University, G H Raisoni Nagar, Saikheda, Dist: Chhindwara-480106, Madhya Pradesh India
  • Vaibhav P. Uplanchiwar School of Pharmacy, G H Raisoni University, G H Raisoni Nagar, Saikheda, Dist: Chhindwara-480106, Madhya Pradesh India
  • Sachin Marotrao Hiradeve School of Pharmacy, G H Raisoni University, G H Raisoni Nagar, Saikheda, Dist: Chhindwara-480106, Madhya Pradesh India
  • Trupti V. Gaikwad Mauda College of Pharmacy, Mauda, Nagpur-441106, Maharashtra, India


COVID-19, pandemic, corona virus, SARS-COV, co-morbidity


The outbreak of Novel corona virus is a global health emergency which has pushed mankind in the silhouette of darkness. Humanity has accustomed to several pandemics since evolution and mankind has propensity in genes to endure and proved himself to “survival of fittest”. Despite global efforts to hold the disease stretch, the outbreak is still climbing the graph as the community spreads pattern of this infection has started. In response to the emerging circumstances, this article endeavors to provide a timely and comprehensive analysis of the history of pandemics, its consequences, co-morbidities, factors involved, and potential uncertainty of the future. While, several questions emerge to be addressed in confronting advanced COVID-19 in more waves that could be more devastating for humanity. History is riddled with references to pandemics or extreme epidemics of respiratory viruses. However, we only used those episodes for which there are reasonable contemporary accounts. We are confident that this overview will support in recognizing and interpreting the vista of the threatening disease with historical reference.


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How to Cite

“History repeat itself” – Prospects of auxiliary waves of SARS-CoV and its influence on co-morbidities. (2020). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 11(12), e5571. https://ssjournals.co.in/index.php/ijbar/article/view/5571