Correlation between level of physical activity using IPAQ and exercise capacity using 6 min walk test in COPD patients. A cross sectional study.


  • Rashmi Ronghe
  • Tushar Sathe
  • Neha gotmare




Purpose of study: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients show an accelerated decline in lung function and progressive impairment of physical performance shows changes mainly in the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, and psychosocial factors. Sibei Chen et al study reported work of breathing is increased due to airway resistance. This leads to a reduced activity like standing, walking this all factors leads to a reduction in physical activity and exercise capacity in patients with chronic lung diseases. Physical activity level and exercise capacity are important determinants of health status and mortality. Literature has varied views on the association of physical activity and exercise capacity. Few studies quoted that there is moderate to a weak correlation between physical activity and exercise capacity. Therefore, we felt the need to find a correlation between physical activity level and exercise capacity in patients with COPD.

Aim and objective: To find out the correlation between physical activity and exercise capacity in COPD patients.

Methodology: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 65 COPD patients age 40 to 64 years and COPD grade I and II according to the GOLD stage. Physical activity level was assessed using International Physical Activity Questionnaire and exercise capacity by 6 minute walk test.

Result: This study demonstrated that in the grade I and II COPD patients: there were two groups of IPAQ, i.e. insufficiently active and minimally active. In both groups of GOLD, insufficiently active IPAQ score correlated with 6 min walk distance and it showed a negative correlation. Also, for minimally active IPAQ in both groups of gold stages, IPAQ score, and walk distance showed a positive correlation. When the mean and standard deviation was compared between the 6-minute walk distance and IPAQ score of GOLD stage 1 and 2, the result showed that it is not statistically significant.

Conclusion: This study concludes that the Physical Activity level does not correlate statically with distance walked in COPD patients.


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How to Cite

Correlation between level of physical activity using IPAQ and exercise capacity using 6 min walk test in COPD patients. A cross sectional study. (2020). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 11(5), e5425.