Lifestyle, nutritional status and physical fitness index among healthy male students of Private Medical College


  • Pooja Sindwani Demonstrator, Bhagat Phool Singh Govt. Medical College for Women, Haryana
  • Padmashri Kudachi Professor of Physiology, JNMC, Belagavi (Karnataka)
  • Piyush Kumar Jain Bhagat Phool Singh Govt. Medical College for Women, Haryana
  • Diksha Budhani Bhagat Phool Singh Govt. Medical College for Women, Haryana



Aims and Objective: The aim of the study was to assess the nutritional status, lifestyle factors and physical fitness index among male medical students. Material and Method: The present study was conducted among medical students aged 17-20. A total of 73 students completed the study. American dietetic society questionnaire was modified and was given to students. It included all the questions regarding 24 hour dietary recall, junk food consumption and few lifestyle factors. Calorie intake of individual student was calculated using ICMR guidelines. BMI was calculated using Quetelets equation. BMI was classified into 4 categories on the basis of height for sex and age, BMI for sex and age and triceps skin fold thickness using reference data based on NHANES I. Physical fitness index [PFI] was measured by Harvard step test. Results: It was observed that calorie intake was significantly high among at risk overweight and obesity boys compared with normal BMI group. Thinness group consumed less calories compared with normal BMI group which was statistically significant. There was positive correlation observed between body mass index and calorie intake. As expected, junk food consumption in obese was more as compare to normal group which was statistically significant. When PFI compared with nutritional status, physical fitness was less in all groups other than normal BMI group suggesting, boys with normal nutritional status show good PFI. There was negative correlation observed between body mass index and Physical fitness index in this study. Conclusion: Findings in the study revealed that 24 hrs calorie intake and junk food consumption was found to be more in obese and at risk overweight group which was associated with reduced PFI. Therefore, students should be made aware of healthy food choices and well-balanced diet, healthy lifestyle and the implications of this on health and performance.


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Lifestyle, nutritional status and physical fitness index among healthy male students of Private Medical College. Int J of Biomed & Adv Res [Internet]. 2016 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 8];7(12):592-6. Available from: