Vol. 9 No. 5 (2019): May

Published: 2019-05-31

Research Articles

  • Comparative analgesic effects of Ibuprofen, Celecoxib and Tramadol after third molar surgery: A prospective comparative study

    Anas PP, Fayisa K, Sudakar A.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.7439/ijpr.v9i5.5162
  • Study on management and impact of pharmaceutical care services on health-related quality of life in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients at a Private tertiary care teaching hospital

    S. Anandkumar, A Prithiya, J Rajalakshmi, Reshma Thomas, Riya Vincent, P Parkavirani
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.7439/ijpr.v9i5.5177
  • Anti ulcer activity of leaves of Averrhoa carambola Linn

    Ashim Pal, Santosh Kumar Chinnaiyan, Arunabha Mallik, Chiranjib Bhattacharjee
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.7439/ijpr.v9i5.5209