Vol. 5 No. 1 (2015): Jan

Published: 2015-02-13

Research Articles

  • In-vitro anthelmintic activity of Vernonia amygdalina Del. (asteraceae) roots using adult Haemonchus contortus worms

    Victor Okello Sirama, John Kokwaro, Bethwell Owuor, Yusuf Amir
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.7439/ijpr.v5i1.1533
  • Medical students task based learning of P-drug concept A study to know its effectiveness and participant feedback

    Afzal A.K Khan, Harish G Bagewadi
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.7439/ijpr.v5i1.1418
  • Acute Oral Toxicity Studies of Ethanol Leaf Extracts Of Derris Scandens & Pulicaria Wightiana In Albino Rats

    Vidya Sabbani, Alluri Ramesh, Shobharani Satla
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.7439/ijpr.v5i1.1579
  • Randomised Study to Compare the Efficacy and Tolerability of Duloxetine and Escitalopram in subjects with Major Depressive Disorder

    Kiran Haridas, Naveen Chauhan, Indrani Poddar, M.R.S.M Pai, Keshava Pai, Ravish Thunga
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.7439/ijpr.v5i1.1589