Antimicrobial utilization pattern in post-operative patients at tertiary care hospital


  • Dr. Vikas Pt. BD Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences( PGIMS) Rohtak, Haryana, India
  • Dr. Rakesh Mittal Professor, Department of Pharmacology, PGIMS, Rohtak
  • Dr MC Gupta Senior Professor and Head, department of Pharmacology, PGIMS Rohtak
  • Dr. Sanjay Marwah Senior Professor and Unit Head, Depart of General Surgery


Drug utilization, Defined Daily Dose, Prescribed Daily Dose, Antimicrobial Resistance, Rational Prescribing


Drug Utilization Research (DUR) studies are emerging as new tool to keep eyes on irrational prescribing, proper cost utilization, antimicrobial resistance pattern.The present study was planned to evaluate the Daily Defined Dose (DDD), DDD per 100 bed days and Prescribed Daily Dose (PDD) of antimicrobials in post-operative patients using World Health Organization (WHO) / International Network of Rational use of Drugs (INURD) indicators. These indicators give insight of over and under prescription of drug. This was a retrospective observational study conducted in post-operative patients admitted in department of surgery at a tertiary care hospital. Prescribed drugs were classified according to the International Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System (ATC). Prescriptions of 305 post-operative patients admitted in surgery ward were assessed.Total of 16 antimicrobials prescribed from 7 different classes, 12 (75%) were overprescribed, 2 (12.5%) were adequately prescribed and 2 (12.5%) were under prescribed as per the WHO Daily Defined Dose.All beta lactams were prescribed higher than recommended WHO DDD. Cefuroxime was highest (3 folds) overprescribed antimicrobial. Over and under prescription both lead to resistance. DUR studies on regular intervals will help curb the irrational practice and implementation of health policies.


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How to Cite

Dr. Vikas, Mittal R, Gupta M, Marwah S. Antimicrobial utilization pattern in post-operative patients at tertiary care hospital. Int J of Pharmc Res [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];11(8):e5643. Available from: