Phytochemical Screening and anti-microbial activity of Momordica charantia Linn


  • Amit Ingle Bajirao Karenjekar College of Pharmacy, Sakoli, Maharashtra
  • Ranjeeta Kapgatte Bajiraoji Karanjekar College of Pharmacy, Sakoli, Maharashtra


Momordica charantia, karalla, E.coli, Antimicrobial Activity


Momordica charantia Linn. (Karela) commonly known as bitter melon or bitter guard is tropical and subtropical climber of family cucurbitaceae. Traditionally it possesses many uses as Antidiabetic, Carminative, Anthelmintic Antimalarial and Antimicrobial, Antiviral, Anti-carcinogenous, Contraceptives, Immmunostimulant, and Laxative, Antioxidant and Insecticidal. It indicates in skin treatment (eczema, acne, mycoses, scabies and hexoroid). In the present study we carried out phytochemical screening to identify phytoconstituents present in plant. Along with its antimicrobial activity against E. Coli by Cup plate method. Phytochemical screening reveals that presents of various phytoconstituents such as Alkaloids, Saponin, Cardiac Glycosides, Tannins, Protein and Flavonoids. Momordica charantia shows significant antimicrobial activity against E.Coli.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Ingle A, Kapgatte R. Phytochemical Screening and anti-microbial activity of Momordica charantia Linn. Int J of Pharmc Res [Internet]. 2018 Jul. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];8(7):63-5. Available from: