An investigation on conformation of antimicrobial and superfluous ecological role of Acacia nilotica indica


  • M. Saravanaraja Assistant Professor PG and Research Department of Zoology Sri Vasavi College, Erode - 638 316
  • K. Nagarajan PG and Research Department of Zoology Sri Vasavi College, Erode



Biofuels, Energy Challenge, Bio-Hydrogen, Biophotolysis of water


The plant species Acacia nilotica indica belongs to the leguminosae family and subfamily mimoseae. It is widely cultivated in the Indian subcontinent. It is also an imperative multipurpose plant that has been used broadly for the treatment of various diseases. The present study intended to elucidate the cumulative potential of A. nilotica indica. The study revealed that A. nilotica indica can play a crucial buffering role on the populations of dominant indigenous bacterial groups of the lake water. In addition, chemical composition and their other constituents clearly indicate the phramocological and nutritional values of Acacia nilotica indica .


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Saravanaraja M, Nagarajan K. An investigation on conformation of antimicrobial and superfluous ecological role of Acacia nilotica indica. Int J of Pharmc Res [Internet]. 2017 Jun. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];7(6):127-34. Available from: