Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Adverse Drug Reactions Reporting Among Healthcare Professionals


  • Siddeshwara M.G. Postgraduate, Department of Pharmacology, "M R Medical College" Kalaburagi-585105
  • Jeevangi Santoshkumar Professor, Department of Pharmacology, M.R. Medical College, Kalaburagi
  • Vardhamane S. H. Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology, M.R. Medical College, Kalaburagi,



Objectives: This study was conducted to evaluate knowledge, attitude and practice of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR) reporting among Healthcare Professionals. Methods: A cross-sectional study was done by survey using questionnaire. Questionnaire was distributed to 260 healthcare professionals working at M.R. Medical College and S Nijalingappa Institute of Dental Sciences, Kalaburagi, India. Results: Out 260 people 221 provided the response, giving a response rate of 85%. Among respondents 69.68% were Doctors, 23.53% were Nurses and 6.78% were Pharmacists. 71% of the healthcare professionals knew what are ADRs, 62.4% knew what is pharmacovigilance, 35.7% were aware of Pharmacovigilance Programme of India (PvPI) and 21.7% knew nearest pharmacovigilance center. 50.2% had seen patients experiencing ADR out of which only 8.1% of them have reported ADR to the concerned unit. 72.4% feel that all the cases of ADR should be reported irrespective of seriousness. Concern that report may be wrong and fear of legal liability were the main factors discouraging them for reporting ADR. Local coordination, Financial Support, ADR reporting awareness programmes were the major expectations from respondents. Conclusion: Healthcare professionals working at HKE Societys M.R. Medical College and S Nijalingappa Institute of Dental Sciences have positive attitudes towards ADR reporting. However knowledge regarding ADR reporting among Doctors is superior to that of Nurses and Pharmacists, awareness programmes can overcome this problem. But the practice of ADR reporting is poor among all Healthcare professionals.


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How to Cite

M.G. S, Santoshkumar J, H. VS. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Adverse Drug Reactions Reporting Among Healthcare Professionals. Int J of Pharmc Res [Internet]. 2016 Jan. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];6(1):18-22. Available from: