Sero - Prevalence of Viral Transfusion-transmissible Infections amongst voluntary Blood donors


  • Rashida Elrashid Mohamed Ali Faculty of Medical laboratory science, Department of Clinical Chemistry University of Alneelain, Khartoum,
  • Omer Fadul Edris Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Biochemistry a Molecularbiology, University of Alneelain, Khartoum,



This study aimed to determine the Sero-prevalence of viral transfusion-transmissible Infectious diseases among blood donors, namely immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B and C transmissible infections (TTIs like HBV, HCV.) HIV (Human immune viruses.). sero-prevalence of viral transmissible infections. The donated blood for specific antibodies for infections agents. Can largely reduce the risk of TTIs, virus among blood donors. The study was carried out in the blood bank at Khartoum Teaching Hospital, centre, Sudan. Screening of blood samples for hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg), Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) Antibodies were done using (ELISA) enzyme link immunoassay. The study included (1184) voluntary Blood donors, all were males. The overall prevalence of viral transfusion transmissible Infections were (11.84%). The sero-prevalence for antibody against HIV (6) and hepatitis C Virus was positive in 8 (0.06) and (0.08%) donors respectively while HBsAg was detected in 98 (9.8%) donors. situation that need for strict criteria for selection of blood donors and also methods of laboratory assays. Services are high in Sudan due to the endemicity of infections like malaria, nutritional problem and obstetrical emergencies associated with blood loss. Little is known about the level of these infections in Sudan so; this study was conducted to investigate the sero-prevalence of transfusion transmissible viral infectious diseases in particular human B and hepatitis Immunodeficiency, hepatitis C viruses. The mode of transmission for HIV, HBV and HCV is the same and includes unsafe Sexual sharp materials Contact, using contaminated with body fluid, mother to Child and transfusion of blood and blood Products.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Ali REM, Edris OF. Sero - Prevalence of Viral Transfusion-transmissible Infections amongst voluntary Blood donors. Int J of Pharmc Res [Internet]. 2016 Feb. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];6(2):81-3. Available from: