Pregnancy with Dubin Johnson Syndrome A case report


  • Vidyadhar B Bangal RMC, Loni
  • Fernandes Denita Postgraduate Student (MS) Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology Rural Medical College of Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences .
  • Chalasani Shravani Postgraduate Student (MS) Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology Rural Medical College of Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Kanika Gupta
  • Pushpanjali Singh Postgraduate Student (MS) Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology Rural Medical College of Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences



Dubin Johnson Syndrome is an autosomal recessive benign disorder of bilirubin metabolism, in which patients have icterus with non pruritic conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia . Condition may get aggravated during pregnancy and result into fetal wastage.A case is reported in which young primigravida presented with severe anaemia. icterus and conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia. She had premature delivery at 30 weeks of gestation. There was no maternal peripartum complications.She was treated with blood transfusion and supportive treatment. Her liver functions returned back to normal within short period after delivery. Conditions like Dubin Johnson syndrome must be kept as differential diagnosis while dealing with cases of jaundice in pregnancy.


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Author Biography

  • Vidyadhar B Bangal, RMC, Loni
    Professor , Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,Rural Medical College, Loni, Maharashtra, India






Case Report

How to Cite

Pregnancy with Dubin Johnson Syndrome A case report. (2014). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 5(11), 583-585.