Lower level of formation of lateral cord, variable formation of median nerve and communications between median and musculocutaneous nerve


  • Gangadhara Muninarayana Swamy Department of Anatomy, PES Institute of Medical sciences and Research, Kuppam (AP)
  • Shakunthala Rao N Department of Anatomy, PES Institute of Medical sciences and Research, Kuppam (AP)
  • Krishna Kishore G Department of Anatomy, PES Institute of Medical sciences and Research, Kuppam (AP)
  • Manivannan K Department of Anatomy, PES Institute of Medical sciences and Research, Kuppam (AP)
  • H. R. Krishna Rao Department of Anatomy, PES Institute of Medical sciences and Research, Kuppam (AP)




Brachial plexus are the bunch of nerves which are formed in the neck and axilla for supplying the upper limb. During routine dissection of the axilla for academic purpose we have noticed the variation in the formation of lateral cord, median nerve and its communications with the musculocutaneous nerve on both the upper limbs. The variations of brachial plexus even though they are common, have got very important clinical and surgical importance, knowledge of which is very important for surgeons, orthopedicians and anesthetists. An attempt has made to add the information of case to the existing knowledge in the literature.


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Author Biography

  • Gangadhara Muninarayana Swamy, Department of Anatomy, PES Institute of Medical sciences and Research, Kuppam (AP)
    Associate ProfessorDepartment of Anatomy






Case Report

How to Cite

Lower level of formation of lateral cord, variable formation of median nerve and communications between median and musculocutaneous nerve. (2014). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 5(9), 464-467. https://doi.org/10.7439/ijbar.v5i9.889