The Evaluation of Lipid Profile in Male Albino rats exposed to petrol fumes


  • Adebayo Olugbenga Adegoke Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Madonna University
  • Ibitoroko Maureen George -Opuda, Dr Dept of MLS, Rivers State University,Port Harcourt
  • Olugbenga Emmanuel Bamigbowu Department of Chemical Pathology, College of Health Sciences University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
  • Jennifer E Ugbala Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Madonna University, Elele, Nigeria



Lipids. Petrol, Hydrocarbon, inhalation, Lipids, Petrol, Hydrocarbon, Inhalation


Aim: The effect of petrol fumes on lipid parameters were observed in albino rats exposed to petrol fumes.

Method: Thirty five (35) albino rats divided into seven (7) groups of five (5) rats each were exposed to petrol fumes at concentrations (Parts per Minute) of 0.00, 16,737 for 5 minutes daily, 20,240 for 10 minutes daily, 23,077 for 15 minutes daily, 27,344 for 20 minutes daily, 30,920 for 25 minutes daily and 34,458 for30 minutes daily for 21 days respectively using a modified nose-inhalation exposure method. The Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and Triglycerides estimations was done by enzymatic colorimetric methods. The data were subjected to statistical analysis using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 21.

Result: The result showed that there was significant difference (P<0.05) in Total cholesterol (Mmol/L) concentrations of 1.58


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Author Biographies

  • Ibitoroko Maureen George -Opuda, Dr, Dept of MLS, Rivers State University,Port Harcourt

    Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Lecturer 1

  • Olugbenga Emmanuel Bamigbowu, Department of Chemical Pathology, College of Health Sciences University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria

    Department of Chemical Pathology, College of Health Sciences University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt Nigeria

  • Jennifer E Ugbala, Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Madonna University, Elele, Nigeria

    Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Madonna University, Elele, Nigeria


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Original Research Articles

How to Cite

The Evaluation of Lipid Profile in Male Albino rats exposed to petrol fumes. (2020). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 11(2), e5321.