Study of factors affecting hospital outcome of cerebral venous thrombosis


  • Ashutosh Somalwar Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Government Medical College and Hospital, Nagpur-440009
  • Pankaj Singh Resident, Department of Medicine, Government Medical College and Hospital, Nagpur-440009



Cerebral venous thrombosis, Risk factors, Outcome, Seizure, Hyperglycemia, Anaemia, Mortality


Background: Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is condition characterized by thrombosis of intracranial veins and sinus which results in parenchymal damage and rise in intracranial pressure. The present research was undertaken to study the factors affecting hospital outcome of CVT.

Method: Total 100 patients presented with clinical features of CVT proved on CT or MRI venography admitted in wards or ICCU of tertiary care centre during the period from November 2016 to October 2018, were included in the study.At the time of admission various clinical, radiological and laboratorial factors were evaluated to find out relationship with hospital outcome (recovery or mortality) in CVT patients.

Results: Risk factors like alcoholism, smoking, and PNC status had insignificant association (P > 0.05) while hypertension showed significant association with (P < 0.05) hospital outcome. Among clinical predictors, neurological focal deficit and seizures had insignificant association (P> 0.05) while Glassgow coma scale score at admission showed significant association (P < 0.05). Among laboratory predictors, admission hyperglycemia and anaemia (? 9gm/dl) had significant association (P <0.05) while D-dimer had insignificant association (P>0.05) with hospital outcome. Among radiological predictors, haemorrhagic transformation and number of sinuses involved did not showed significant (P >0.05) association with hospital outcome in patients with CVT. The mortality rate was found to be 10%.

Conclusion: CVT even with a reduced occurrence represents a severe neurovascular emergency. Better control of blood glucose levels will be needed and anaemia should be corrected as soon as is diagnosed to improve the hospital outcome in patients with CVT.


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How to Cite

Study of factors affecting hospital outcome of cerebral venous thrombosis. (2019). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 10(4), e5153.