A review of the important pharmacological activities of Nelumbo nucifera: A prodigious rhizome
Nelumbo nucifera, aquatic herb, Leprosy, Cancer, nerve exhaustionAbstract
Objectives: Nelumbo nucifera also known as Lotus, an aquatic perennial crop, belongs to the family of Nelumbonaceae. It is cultivated throughout the world as an important nutritious vegetable. The objective of this review article is to discuss therapeutic and pharmacological benefits of various bioactive compounds isolated from different parts of this miraculous plant.
Methodology : In this review article we have discussed the current pharmaceutical, phytochemical and pharmacological information about this well-known plant species by gathering the information from different research articles.
Discussion: In this study we have focused on the rhizome of Nelumbo nucifera because it possesses high economic value due to the abundance of bioactive compounds that have a miraculous health promoting effect on the human body. These bioactive compounds include: alkaloids, lipids, xanthophylls, nuciferine, phospholipids, carotenes flavonoids, aporphines etc. However, the rhizome of Nelumbo nucifera is most commonly used in the preparation of traditional food item most commonly in China and Asian countries. Mainly Nelumbo nucifera is cultivated in Japan and China, however, it is inhabitant of India, China and Japan. It is most commonly found in ponds as it is an aquatic herb. Due to its sweet fragrance of the flower it is considered as the national flower of India. Nelumbo nucifera is used in the treatment of leprosy, cancer, tissue inflammation, skin diseases and most prominently as an antidote of poison.
Conclusion: This review highlights several pharmacological and phytochemical studies that have demonstrated the therapeutic potential of Nelumbo nucifera . This needs to be explored further through clinical studies on human volunteers to provide evidence-based therapeutics.
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