Histopathological spectrum of neoplastic lesions of female reproductive system seen at a Rural Tertiary Care Centre in India


  • Sanjay Khandekar Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Shri Vasantrao Naik Government Medical College, Yavatmal, Maharashtra-445001
  • Nilima Lodha Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, Shri Vasantrao Naik Government Medical College, Yavatmal, Maharashtra-445001




dairycattels, dairycattels, subclinical mastitis, subclinical mastitis, CMT, CMT, Electrical Conductibility, Electrical Conductibility, indicator papers, indicator papers, bacteriological analysis, bacteriological analysis


Background: The present study was carried out with an objective to find out the spectrum of various histopathological types of neoplasms of different parts/organs of the female reproductive system (FRS) seen at Shri Vasantrao Naik Government Medical College (VNGMC) Yavatmal, Maharashtra. As there exists a worldwide wide variation in the distribution of various neoplasms, which appears largely due to exogenous factors rather than due to inherent differences between populations.

Method: A 1 year retrospective study conducted in the Department of Pathology, VNGMC, Yavatmal where in 375 specimens of FRS (uterine cervix, uterine body, ovary and breast) were subjected to histopathological examination and relevant clinical data was analyzed.

Result: Out of 375 cases of neoplasms of the FRS, 296 cases were benign and 79 cases were malignant. Among total cases of neoplasms of the FRS, 28 (7.46%) tumors were from uterine cervix, 121 (32.26%) tumors were from uterine body, 58 (15.46%) tumors were from ovary and 168 (44.8%) tumors were from breast. All these neoplastic lesions were commonly occurring in the age group of 21-50 years. Most common benign tumor was fibroadenomas of breast and most common malignant tumor was infiltrating duct carcinoma of breast.

Conclusion: Breasts are commonest sites for neoplstic lesions in females. The histopathology is mandatory for confirmed diagnosis and hence for ensuring optimal management.


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Histopathological spectrum of neoplastic lesions of female reproductive system seen at a Rural Tertiary Care Centre in India. (2018). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 9(9), 328-331. https://doi.org/10.7439/ijbar.v9i9.4925