Estimation of the normal values of renal parameters for adults in Antananarivo Madagascar


  • Miora Koloina Ranaivosoa Biologist, Laboratory of Biochemistry of Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona University Hospital Antananarivo
  • Zafindrasoa Domoina Rakotovao-Ravahatra Biologist, Laboratory of Joseph Raseta Befelatanana University Hospital Antananarivo
  • Fidiniaina Mamy Randriatsarafara Public Health Specialist, Public Health Department of the Faculty of Medicine Antananarivo
  • Rindra Vavitsara Raniriharison Medical student, Faculty of Medicine Antananarivo
  • Zely Arivelo Randriamanantany Professor of Immunology, National Center for Blood Transfusion Antananarivo
  • Aimee Olivat Rakoto Alson Professor of Biological Haematology, Medical Biology Department of the Faculty of Medicine Antananarivo



Normal values, urea, creatinine, blood donors, Antananarivo


Objective : This study is aimed at estimating the normal values of the plasma creatinine and urea of adults in Antananarivo.

Methodology: It was a transverse and descriptive study covering the period from September 20th to November 09th, 2017 at the National Center for Blood Transfusion and the laboratory of Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona Antananarivo. We measured the plasma creatinine and urea of all the blood donors who accepted to take part in this study and who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Normal values were defined by values between 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles.

Results: Among the 256 blood donors selected, 128 were men and 128 women. The average age was of 35.41


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Original Research Articles

How to Cite

Estimation of the normal values of renal parameters for adults in Antananarivo Madagascar. (2018). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 9(8), 300-304.