The Complete blood count and pneumopathy at the University Hospital of Befelatanana Antananarivo


  • Zafindrasoa Domoina Rakotovao-Ravahatra Laboratory of Joseph Raseta Befelatanana University Hospital Antananarivo, Madagascar
  • Fidiniaina Mamy Randriatsarafara 2. Public Health specialist, Public Health Department of the Faculty of Medicine Antananarivo
  • Andriamiadana Luc Rakotovao Professor of Biological Haematology, Medical Biology Department of the Faculty of Medicine Antananarivo



Blood count, pneumopathy, neutrophil polynucleosis


Objective : The blood count is a routine laboratory test prescribed to patients with pneumopathy. This study aims to describe the results of blood count from patients with pneumopathy and to identify factors associated.

Methodology : It is a retrospective and descriptive study for a period of six months from December 2017 to April 2018 in the laboratory of the University Hospital of Befelatanana Antananarivo. All the results of blood count of patients with pneumopathy have been exploited.

Results : In this study, 128 results of blood count of patients with pneumopathy were studied. The blood count results were pathological in 81.2% of cases. Neutrophilic polynucleosis (39.1%) is most common in pathological blood count. In order of frequency, this abnormality is followed by thrombocytosis (37.5%) and anemia (34.4%). Concerning the factors associated with pathological blood counts, men (85% versus 75%)(p=0.16; NS) and subjects between 40 and 59 years (94.7% versus 82.9%)(p=0.01) are the most affected by pathological blood count.

Conclusion : The blood count should be prescribed for all patients to identify the abnormalities of blood cells that will be treated simultaneously with the pneumopathy. Thus, patients will have a good follow-up and their life expectancy will be improved.


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Author Biography

  • Zafindrasoa Domoina Rakotovao-Ravahatra, Laboratory of Joseph Raseta Befelatanana University Hospital Antananarivo, Madagascar
    Biologist, Laboratory of Joseph Raseta Befelatanana University Hospital Antananarivo, Madagascar.


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Original Research Articles

How to Cite

The Complete blood count and pneumopathy at the University Hospital of Befelatanana Antananarivo. (2018). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 9(7), 246-248.