Actinomycotic Fungal Infection of Foot A Case Report


  • Ashok R Nayak Department of Orthopedics, BLDEU's Shri B M Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Bijapur, Karnataka
  • Shreepad Kulkarni Department of Orthopedics, BLDEU's Shri B M Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Bijapur, Karnataka
  • Gireesh Paramanna Khodnapur Department of Orthopedics, BLDEU's Shri B M Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Bijapur, Karnataka
  • Vinayak Santosh Department of Orthopedics, BLDEU's Shri B M Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Bijapur, Karnataka



Actinomycotic fungal infection is a rare mycotic infection involving bone, it occurs mainly in tropical and subtropical areas. It is a chronic granulomatous disease caused by actinomycetes which is characterised by progressive local necrosis and abscess formation with intermittent discharge through fistulous tracts which are later replaced by granulation and fibrous tissue. Culture sensitivity and histopathological reports are necessary for confirmation of diagnosis. Here with we are presenting a case of actinomycotic infection with extensive involvement of right calcaneum and soft tissue of right foot which was treated with surgical debridement and antibiotic bead insertion supplemented with systemic antibiotics as per culture sensitivity report.


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Case Report

How to Cite

Actinomycotic Fungal Infection of Foot A Case Report. (2013). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 4(12), 946-949.