A Study on Effect of Vitamin E as an Adjuvant to Metronidazole in Experimental Model of peritonitis


  • Deepak Shrivastava Bundelkhand (govt) medical college Sagar ( MP) India
  • Pankaj Gharde MS, Associate Professor, J.N. Medical College, DMIMS(DU), Wardha, Maharashtra, 442004
  • Dhananjaya Sharma MS (General Surgery), PhD (GI Surgery), Professor and Head, Department of Surgery, NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur, India. 482004
  • R K Jain MD (Microbiology) Professor and Head, Department of Microbiology, NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur, 482004
  • Deepti Bala Sharma MS (General Surgery) Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur India, 482004
  • Arjun Saxena MS (General Surgery), PhD(GI Surgery) Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur India, 482004.




Introduction: Peritonitis is the major surgical burden, even after use of higher broad spectrum antibiotics the mortality is high. Vitamin E is an antioxidant; which inhibits of lipid peroxidation, reduces and neutralizes free radicals; [the free radical scavenger effect.] This study assesses the effect of intra-peritoneal Vitamin E and Metronidazole instillation, either singly or in combination, in experimentally produced faecal peritonitis model. Materials and method: This study was conducted in NSCB Government Medical College, India, on 84 healthy Albino rats of weight(100 -150 grams).All rats were undergone laparotomy with cecal ligation and puncture of different sizes to produce different grades of peritonitis and then divided into four groups according to solution instilled in their peritoneal cavity. 1. Group C (normal saline), 2. Group E (vit E), 3.Group M (metrogyl) 4. Group EM (vit E+ metrogyl) All rats were re-explored on 5th day and assessed for pus pockets, and adhesion. Results: Metronidazole and Vitamin E group (ME) showed significant decrease in pus pocket formation as compared to control group in all its subgroups( subgroup I-p>0.018, subgroup II p>0.011) . Conclusion: The rat peritonitis model of caecal ligation and puncture is satisfactory and very useful for study. In our study the antibiotic and antioxidant combination is superior to control group or antibiotic or antioxidant group when used alone; in prevention pus pocket formation.


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Author Biography

  • Deepak Shrivastava, Bundelkhand (govt) medical college Sagar ( MP) India
    Department of General Surgery






Original Research Articles

How to Cite

A Study on Effect of Vitamin E as an Adjuvant to Metronidazole in Experimental Model of peritonitis. (2013). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 4(12), 872-877. https://doi.org/10.7439/ijbar.v4i12.577