A comparison of the postoperative analgesic efficacy of three in one block with intravenous injection tramadol


  • Jyoti M. Naitam Department of Anesthesia, Government Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra
  • Rashmi Bengali Department of Anesthesia, Government Medical College, Aurangabad, Maharashtra




Aim and objective: Aim of the present study was to compare the efficacy of Three In One block with intravenous injection tramadol used for postoperative analgesia. Methods: The study enrolling 60 patients of either sex (age 20-60 years), ASA grade I and II were randomly allocated into two groups of thirty each. Group I (Three In One block group) received 2.5 mg/kg of 0.5% bupivacaine + 25g fentanyl which was diluted with distilled water to make total volume of 40 ml, group 2 (intravenous tramadol group) received 2 mg/kg tramadol postoperatively. Hemodynamic parameters, respiratory rate, duration of postoperative analgesia and any complications were recorded. Results: Group I had better hemodynamic stability as compared to group II. The postoperative analgesia in group I was significantly better than group II. Three In One block was associated with fewer incidences of complications than intravenous tramadol. Conclusion: Three In One block is better alternative to intravenous tramadol for postoperative analgesia.


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How to Cite

A comparison of the postoperative analgesic efficacy of three in one block with intravenous injection tramadol. (2017). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 8(1), 19-23. https://doi.org/10.7439/ijbar.v8i1.3927