An in silico approach to design T-arms primers for VDR locus to detect osteoporosis


  • C. Maheswari Research Scholar, Department of Biotechnology, Mother Teresa Women
  • K. Sheebanancy Research Scholar, Department of Biotechnology, Mother Teresa Women
  • V. J. Kavitha Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Mother Teresa Women



Osteoporosis is a skeletal disorder characterized by an increased risk of fractures. Studies have shown that BMD and bone turnover are under strong genetic control. The polymorphisms in the Vitamin D receptor (VDR) have been implicated in many studies as a cause of osteoporosis. We aimed at developing a molecular diagnostic kit to detect osteoporosis. We started with designing multiplex primers and finally designed T-ARMS PCR Kit for the VDR locus. We used the currently available softwares for primer designing like PerlPrimer, Primer3, Primer1, BatchPrimer3, WASP, Primer-BLAST and AutoDimer. Our T-ARMS PCR Kit for the VDR locus included the penultimate primer position mismatch to increase the specificity and a universal sequence and tag to assist successful amplification of all primers within the desired annealing temperature range. Our osteoporosis detection kit is an in-silico approach and has to be validated through in vitro PCR amplicifactions.


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Author Biography

  • V. J. Kavitha, Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Mother Teresa Women

    Deparment of Biotechnology

    Assistant Professor


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Original Research Articles

How to Cite

An in silico approach to design T-arms primers for VDR locus to detect osteoporosis. (2017). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 8(1), 24-30.