Right iliac fossa mass: A prospective study


  • Shashikala V Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute.
  • Alister J Victor Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute.
  • Sonia Rani P. B Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute.




Patients presenting with mass in the right iliac fossa is common for a surgeon. The causes differ based on the organ of origin. The common conditions include appendicular mass, appendicular abscess, ileocecal tuberculosisand ascending colon carcinoma. Rare conditions include Non-Hodgkins lymphoma, cecal carcinoma, amoeboma, lymph node mass, iliopsoas mass, retroperitoneal mass and Crohns disease. This makes it difficult to diagnose and manage these patients. Hence a prospective study on right iliac fossa masses was conducted. Out of a total of 50 patients, the most common cause was of appendicular origin, mainly appendicular mass followed by ileocecal tuberculosis. Pain, fever and leucocytosiswere predominantly noted in inflammatory conditions whereas weight loss, anaemia and painless mass were noted in neoplastic causes. Appendicular mass patients were treated conservatively followed by interval appendectomy. Appendicular abscess was drained extra-peritoneally. Right hemi-colectomy was done for carcinoma in the cecum and ascending colon. Tubercular patients with intestinal obstruction also underwent right hemi-colectomy. Intra-venous antibiotics were administered to all infective cases. Tubercular masses were started on anti-tubercular drugs. Carcinoma patients received adjuvant therapy. Crohns disease and non-specific lymphadenitis were treated medically. Hence our study shows that managing right iliac fossa mass patients can be challenging and requires vigilance.


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Original Research Articles

How to Cite

Right iliac fossa mass: A prospective study. (2016). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 7(8), 388-392. https://doi.org/10.7439/ijbar.v7i8.3557