A rare intracranial tumor of Psammomatous anaplastic meningioma


  • Dr. Vivek Harihar Sri Devaj Urs Medical College And Research Centre
  • Vaibhav Bhadbhade Department of Orthopaedics, Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College and Research Centre, Kolar 563101, Karnataka
  • Paparaja Murthy Department of Neurosurgery, Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College and Research Centre, kolar 563101, Karnataka




Intracranial meningiomas continue to challenge our best clinical efforts to eliminate them once discovered and deemed appropriate for treatment. Malignant meningiomas constitute 10% to 15% of all meningiomas and limited information exists regarding adjuvant treatment. The external whole brain irradiation is recommended. Traditional chemotherapy has proven ineffective; thus, new chemotherapeutic agents and new methods of delivery should be developed. Immunotherapy may be considered for patients with malignant meningiomas when all others previous treatment have failed. We report a rare case of Psammomatous anaplastic meningioma. A 45-year-old man presented with head ache since 15 days and vomiting since 13days. Magnetic resonance image demonstrated a large left frontal mass with heterogenous enhancement and moderate peri-lesional edema. The tumor and the infiltrated dura were radically removed. Postoperatively, the patient remained neurologically intact.


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Case Report

How to Cite

A rare intracranial tumor of Psammomatous anaplastic meningioma. (2016). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 7(6), 302-305. https://doi.org/10.7439/ijbar.v7i6.3359