Blood loss and risk of blood transfusion in patients undergoing caesarean section


  • Madhusudan Dey Dept of Obst & Gynae, Reader, Armed Forces Medical College Pune, India
  • Vanamail Perumal MSc, MPS, PhD Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology AIIMS, New Delhi



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Background: Caesarean delivery is one of the most common operations performed worldwide. Maternal morbidity and risk of blood transfusion increased greatly with caesarean compared with that of vaginal delivery. Aims: This study was carried out to evaluate blood loss and requirement of blood transfusion in patients undergoing caesarean section. Materials and methods: A prospective observational study was carried out in a peripheral military hospital, India where 173 women underwent caesarean section and data were obtained on age, parity, gestational age, delivery type (elective/ emergency), indication for caesarean section, pre operative and post operative haemoglobin levels. Number of patients required blood transfusion were also noted. Results: There was no significant increase in blood loss by indication of caesarean section (p 0.05). A total of 1.7% patients received blood transfusion. Conclusion: Transfusion risk in patients undergoing caesarean section is low and haemoglobin testing after caesarean section should be limited to women at high risk of blood transfusion.


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How to Cite

Blood loss and risk of blood transfusion in patients undergoing caesarean section. (2013). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 4(6), 425-429.