Significance of External Findings in Hanging Cases during Autopsy


  • Niranjan Sahoo Assistant Professor, Department of FMT, IMS & SUM Hospital, SOA University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
  • Nityanand Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of FMT, LLAM Govt Medical College Hospital, Raigarh, Chattishgarh.
  • Bibhuti Bhusana Panda Department of FMT, IMS & SUM Hospital, SOA University. K-8, Kalinganagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
  • Arunava Dutta Demonstrator, Department of FMT, LLAM Govt Medical College Hospital, Raigarh, Chattishgarh.



The external findings are utmost important in the opinion formation during autopsy of hanging deaths. Thus the current study was done with the aim of studying the significance of external findings in hanging cases during post-mortem examination in the Department of FMT, RIMS, Ranchi prospectively from 1st March, 2013 to 30th May, 2014. Majority of cases of hanging had not received any treatment. In maximum cases the nature of suspension was complete type. Atypical hangings were seen in most cases. Most commonly used ligature materials were Jute Rope and Dupatta. In majority cases the ligature mark was above the thyroid cartilage followed by at and above the thyroid cartilage. In maximum cases the position of knot was present at occipital region of the neck, followed by at over left mastoid region of the neck. In majority of case the ligature mark was prominent and discontinuous. The colour of ligature mark was dark brown in more than half of the cases followed by yellowish brown. In majority of cases the post-mortem staining was present. Only about 39% of cases the dried salivary stain was found. Involuntary discharge was seen only in 17% of cases. Tongue protrusion was found in 29.87 % of cases.


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Author Biography

  • Bibhuti Bhusana Panda, Department of FMT, IMS & SUM Hospital, SOA University. K-8, Kalinganagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
    Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology.


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Original Research Articles

How to Cite

Significance of External Findings in Hanging Cases during Autopsy. (2016). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 7(3), 119-122.