Gastrointestinal carcinoids: A case report and review of literature


  • B. S. Gedam Department of Surgery, NKP Salve Medical College and Research Centre, Nagpur, Maharashtra
  • Prasad Yogendra Bansod Department of Surgery, NKP Salve Medical College and Research Centre, Nagpur, Maharashtra
  • Yunus Shah Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, NKP Salve Medical College and Research Centre, Nagpur, Maharashtra
  • V B Kale Lecturer, Department of Surgery, NKP Salve Medical College and Research Centre, Nagpur, Maharashtra
  • Saurabh G Kate Junior Resident, Department of Surgery, NKP Salve Medical College and Research Centre, Nagpur, Maharashtra



The gastrointestinal tract is the largest neuroendocrine system in the body. Carcinoid tumours are the commonest neuroendocrine tumours that arise from enterochromaffin cells throughout the gut. These tumours secrete bioactive substances producing characteristic immunohistochemical and clinical patterns. With the incidence and prevalence of carcinoid tumours rising, we present 2 cases of carcinoid tumours of the gastro intestinal tract.


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Author Biography

  • Prasad Yogendra Bansod, Department of Surgery, NKP Salve Medical College and Research Centre, Nagpur, Maharashtra
    Junior resident at Department of General Surgery


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Case Report

How to Cite

Gastrointestinal carcinoids: A case report and review of literature. (2015). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 6(11), 801-806.