Evaluation of blood donor deferral causes in a tertiary hospital, South India


  • Fred John RMO , Department of medicine, JMH, India
  • Mary Rithu Varkey S.R.M Hospital , India




Aims: This study aims to analyze the donor deferral rates, various causes of deferrals and to take proper referral and follow up measures to decrease the temporary deferral rate by which we could increase the pool of voluntary donors without compromising on the quality of the blood and safety to the recipient. Methods: A two year retrospective study of donors, carried out in a tertiary hospital in south India, and also includes voluntary donors from outdoor camps conducted by blood bank during the period January 2012 to December 2013. Results: A total of 16,805 people came to donate during the period of study. Male constituted around (95.08%) of the donors who came to donate blood. A major proportion (89.70%) were replacement donors. 858 (5.12%) of the entire donor population were deferred due various reason. The major causes of deferral in this study were hypertension 12.70%, followed by anemia 9.09%, tissue transmissible diseases. Those who were deferred were categorized into temporary constituting (58.04%) and permanent (41.96%). The Leading cause of permanent deferral was hypertension 30.3%, where as the leading cause among temporary deferral was anemia 15.66%. One of the major cause of deferral among males were hypertension whereas anemia was the major cause of deferral among females. Conclusion: Donor deferral rate of 5.12% was found in this study, similar rates have been reported by other studies. The major proportions were replacement donors. Females coming forward for blood donation were found to be significantly low. The major causes of deferral in our study were hypertension and anemia.


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How to Cite

Evaluation of blood donor deferral causes in a tertiary hospital, South India. (2015). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 6(3), 253-258. https://doi.org/10.7439/ijbar.v6i3.1833