A comparative study of single layer continuous sutures versus double layer interrupted sutures in intestinal anastomosis


  • Rahul Saboo Department of General surgery, NKPSIMS, Nagpur
  • Satish Deshmukh Department of General surgery, NKPSIMS, Nagpur
  • Rajiv Sonarkar Department of General surgery, NKPSIMS, Nagpur
  • Vijay P Agrawal Assistant Professor, Department of General surgery, NKPSIMS, Nagpur
  • Prateek Shah Department of General surgery, NKPSIMS, Nagpur




heart rate variability, time domain, body mass index, cold pressor test


Objectives : The objective of the study was to compare single layer continuous intestinal anastomosis and double layer interrupted intestinal anastomosis in terms of time taken for the anastomosis and safety. Material and Methods : A prospective comparative study was carried out in the Department of Surgery NKPSIMS and RC, Nagpur from August 2011 to October 2013. All patients who underwent elective intestinal surgeries and bowel anastomosis and consented for the study were included in the study. Patients requiring gastric, duodenal and rectal anastomosis and patients in whom staplers were used were excluded from the study. 30 single layered continuous and 30 double layered interrupted intestinal anastomosis were performed. Data was analyzed using Student t test for continuous variables and Chi square test for categorical variables. Comparison was made in terms of time taken for anastomosis, anastomotic leak and other complications. Results : The mean duration of intestinal anastomosis for the double layer group was 33.06 minutes whereas for the single layer group, it was 23.6 minutes, which was found to be statistically significant. Anastomotic leak was reported in 2 patients in the double layer group and in 3 patients in the single layer group was found to be statistically insignificant. The other complications that included surgical site infection, re intervention and mortality were similar in both the groups. Single layered intestinal anastomosis does not carry any increased risk of anastomotic leak and other complications when compared to double layered intestinal anastomosis and can be constructed in a shorter time. Conclusion : Single layered intestinal anastomosis technique takes less time for construction and does not carry any increased risk of complications


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Author Biography

  • Vijay P Agrawal, Assistant Professor, Department of General surgery, NKPSIMS, Nagpur

    Assistant Professor, Department of General surgery,

    NKPSIMS, LMH, Nagpur.


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Original Research Articles

How to Cite

A comparative study of single layer continuous sutures versus double layer interrupted sutures in intestinal anastomosis. (2015). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 6(3), 264-268. https://doi.org/10.7439/ijbar.v6i3.1729