Study of oxidative stress and uric acid in pregnancy induced hypertension


  • Y. Ruth Lavanya Department of Biochemistry, RIMS, Kadapa, Andhrapradesh
  • Shobharani B. Department of Biochemistry, S.V.Medical college, Tirupati, Andhrapradesh



Burn fistula, penetrating injury, wound debridement, reconstructive surgery


Background: Pregnancy induced hypertension is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in pregnant woman. Preeclampsia and Eclampsia Sepsis and Haemorrhage are the prime killers in pregnancy. Aim: This study is aimed to assess the role of oxidative stress by estimating Malondialdehyde(MDA), Glutathione s-transferase (GST) and its severity by estimating serum uric acid levels in PIH. Materials and Methods: The study comprised of 60 third trimester pregnant woman . Among those 24 were clinically diagnosed Preeclamptic cases ,16 were Eclamptic cases and 20 were Normotensive antenatal controls. Plasma MDA, GSTlevels and serum uric acid levels were estimated and compared in them. Results: Mean values of plama MDA, GST and serum uric acid levels in cases were 5.14 1.88nmol/ml, 44.49 14.48IU/L,, 7.211.63mg/dL and in controls mean values were 1.70.87nmol/ml, 70.9812.68IU/L, 4.381.24mg/dL respectively. Conclusion: Mean values of plasma MDA, serum Uric acid levels were significantly higher and plasma GST levels were significantly lower in pregnancy induced hypertension cases when compared with normotensive antenatal controls


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Author Biography

  • Shobharani B., Department of Biochemistry, S.V.Medical college, Tirupati, Andhrapradesh
    Tutor ,Department of Biochemistry Rims, kadapa, Andhrapradesh,India






Original Research Articles

How to Cite

Study of oxidative stress and uric acid in pregnancy induced hypertension. (2015). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 6(3), 204-207.