Prostatic carcinoma presenting as unilateral proptosis - a rare case report


  • Vinay S. Kundargi Department of Urology, B.L.D.E.U.
  • Anup S. Desai BLDEU's Shri. B. M. Patil Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Vijayapur
  • Siddannagouda B. Patil Department of Urology, B.L.D.E.U.
  • Basavesh S. Patil Department of Urology, B.L.D.E.U.
  • Ashokkumar N. Biradar Department of Urology, B.L.D.E.U.
  • Nikhil A. Patil Department of Urology, B.L.D.E.U.
  • Kshitiz Ranka Department of Urology, B.L.D.E.U.



Euphorbia hirta Linn, Dudhi, Pharmacognostic standardisation, Physico-chemical parameters


Adenocarcinoma of prostate typically involves axial skeleton and has been infrequently reported in unusual sites like orbit. It is noteworthy that upto 1989, only 28 cases of occulo-orbital metastases of prostate cancer (PC) had been reported in the literature[1]. PC is mostly known to metastasize to the bony skeleton [2]. The lack of skeletal metastasis does not exclude the possibility of visceral/ distant metastasis, and serum PSA levels usually do not correlate with the extent of metastatic disease [3]. Here in, we report a rare case of unilateral orbital metastasis from PC.


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Author Biography

  • Anup S. Desai, BLDEU's Shri. B. M. Patil Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Vijayapur
    Department of Urology, Senior Resident


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Case Report

How to Cite

Prostatic carcinoma presenting as unilateral proptosis - a rare case report. (2015). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 6(2), 186-190.