Perioperative Management of post dural puncture headache


  • Safiya Imtiaz Shaikh Professor and HOD Department of Anaesthesiology karnataka Institute of medical sciences hubli
  • Nagamani K Ramesh Junior resident ( Post graduate student D.A.) Department of Anaesthesiology Karnataka institute of medical sciences. Hubli



Chemerin, coronary artery disease, Adipokines, marker, target


Post dural puncture headache (PDPH) is a common complication of interventional neuraxial procedures. It carries a considerable morbidity with symptoms lasting for several days, sometimes severe enough to immobilise the patient. If left untreated it can result in serious complication which may be fatal. It is therefore important that the doctors should aware of the methods available for reducing the incidence of PDPH. This article reviews the scientific literature involved in the management of PDPH including the epidural blood patch.


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Author Biographies

  • Safiya Imtiaz Shaikh, Professor and HOD Department of Anaesthesiology karnataka Institute of medical sciences hubli

    professor and HOD




  • Nagamani K Ramesh, Junior resident ( Post graduate student D.A.) Department of Anaesthesiology Karnataka institute of medical sciences. Hubli

    Junior resident ( Post graduate student)

    Department of Anaesthesiology

    Karnataka institute of medical sciences.



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Review Article

How to Cite

Perioperative Management of post dural puncture headache. (2015). International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 6(2), 78-83.